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B i o g r a p h y

My name is Adam and I am a pianist, composer and multi instrumentalist.

I have been writing and creating music for the past 30 odd years.   Within that time I've been a guitarist, bassist, singer, songwriter and producer.  I've been a collaborator with some amazing people and turned out some great songs in many genres. 

But now, well it's time for a change; time to explore my soul with a different instrument.  I've gone back to the first instrument I learnt to play.  The piano.


The first is an EP called A New Beginning.  These are my first ever pieces written solely on and for the piano and they are just the start. A rediscovered love for the piano, it's sonic qualities and tactile beauty. Just to touch and feel the keys inspires me beyond the things I already know and allows me the freedom to explore beyond the "song". 

Hence, A New Beginning.......

The second EP is called Felt.  It is inspired by the dampened piano sound that is popular in current TV/Film drama.  On this EP I explored the piano with the "felt" applied and the sustain pedal down to allow it to ring throughout which provided some beautiful natural harmonics and other sonic niceties. 


The third is called Alla Deriva which means Drifting.  It came about due to my love for Modern Classical music and in particular Ludovico Einaudi and Olafur Arnalds.

Visit for more.

 Thank you for visiting and taking the time to explore my creations.

Adam D R Maxfield

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